Category: Art News

  • The Met Gala’s “Let Them Eat Cake” Moment:Global Context and Social Media Backlash

    In a display of opulence that could rival the court of Versailles, the 2024 Met Gala, themed “The Garden of TIme,” inadvertently gave rise to a modern revolution with a simple out-of-touch comment. “Let them eat cake” was the phrase used by influencer Hayley Bailey in a TikTok video which sparked the rage of millions…

  • Yong Soon Min: A Legacy of Artistic Exploration and Cultural Identity

    — Make Me, 4 part bifurcated self-portraits, 20” x 16” each, Seoul Museum of Art installation view, 2014 Yong Soon Min, a very well respected Korean American artist known for the deep impact of her work on Asian American identity through her art, passed away at her home in Los Angeles on March 12, 2024,…